
  • 舞楽
  • 管弦
  • 国風歌舞
  • 催馬楽
  • 朗詠

A lively piece played at the conclusion of programs of bugaku danceChōgeishi in the mode taishikichō

Mode: taishikichō (on E)


While Chōgeishi (or Chōgeshi, ‘Long Felicitation’) is also attributed to Chinese figures, it appears that it may have been composed by Minamoto no Hiromasa (Hakuga no Sanmi, 918–80), a renowned performer of the transverse flutes, lute biwa, zither wagon, zither , and ōhichiriki, a large, lower-pitched version of the reedpipe hichiriki.

It has long been used as the makade-onjō (‘exit music’) at various types of ceremonies, and even now is often played as the last piece in a bugaku dance program. There is no dance, so it functions as an instrumental postlude.

Form of the piece

The metrical structure of the piece is haya-yohyōshi, hyōshi-jūroku (16 repetitions of a cycle of 4 measures of 4/4).

It has a lively, memorable melody. When performed as exit music, it is played much more quickly than it is when performed in kangen (‘pipes and strings’) style, reaching a very quick tempo as it approaches its conclusion.

Points for appreciation

Even though it is in a regular meter, in cycles of four measures of 4/4, this piece has a bright liveliness that it shares with pieces in the hayatada-byōshi and yatara-byōshi meters, which have alternating measures of different lengths.

There are many opportunities to hear this piece, since it is still performed regularly at the end of bugaku dance programs.





