Stage and PerformancePerformers

Kyogen-kata actors perform Kyogen. The main actor is known as “shite” and the actor playing opposite him is known as “ado.” Spoken dialogues are at the heart of Kyogen performances, combined with utai (chanting) and dancing. The jiutai chorus and hayashi musicians appear in some scenes.

Performers: Kyogen
  • shite
  • ado
  • ado


The main actor is known as “shite.” In general, the shite wears costumes according to his role and does not wear a mask. However, masks may be worn if the shite is performing a special role, such as a deity or ogre.


The actor playing opposite the shite is known as “ado” who moves the story forward by conversing with the shite. Many ado appear in some plays.

July 9, 2016
National Noh Theatre
“Ka Zumo (Wrestling with a Mosquito),” Izumi School

Characters and Performers

Load (shite): Sato Tomohiko
Taro kaja (ado): Kashima Toshihiro
Mosquito (ado): Nomura Matasaburo XIV
Documentary photograph (Y_N0210377002024)