Nureba in “Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho”. Matsumoto Koshiro 9th (Matsumoto Hakuo 2nd) as Tsurigane Gonsuke and Ichikawa Somegoro 7th (Matsumoto Koshiro 10th) as Sakurahime. November, 2000 at the National Theatre.
It refers to a love scene that is particularly passionate. A direct expression is avoided in most Kabuki plays, this type of scene is presented by a stylized acting accompanied by a narration of Takemoto, and the music of Kiyomoto and so on. A stage direction called Kamisuki is one of the expressions of Nureba.
The video shows a scene of Nureba in “Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho”. The acting develops in accordance with the Geza music called Dokugin.