
Suketakaya family



  • Takasuke 4th, active from the end of the Edo period through the Meiji period. “Abe no Yasuna Suketakaya Takasuke” owned by Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library, Document of Tokyo Collection. (M248-008-02)
This family is closely related to Sawamura Sojuro family and renowned for Sukatakaya Takasuke. Sukatakaya Takasuke 1st called himself Sawamura Sojuro 1st later in his career. Therefore, the members of Sawamura Sojuro family have succeeded the name of Takasuke for generations.
Takasuke 2nd was the eldest son of Sawamura Sojuro 2nd and shifted his focus from Onnagata to Tachiyaku, excelling in the Wagoto style. Takasuke 4th became a representative Wagoto actor from at the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period.


