Onoe Kikugoro 6th as Sagimusume. October, 1924 at Ichimuraza. Owned by the National Theatre. (002472)
It was premiered as one of the transformation dances called “Yanagi ni Hina Shocho no Saezuri” that were performed at Ichimuraza Theatre in 1762. When Ichikawa Danjuro 9th performed it in 1892, the song and the choreography were revised altogether. After that, Onoe Kikugoro 6th made the play his specialty and it came to appear on stage more often.
The setting is that the spirit of the egret performs a dance in the appearance of a young girl. The play has many highlights, including the change of costumes called “Hikinuki” and “Bukkaeri”, as well as the dance movement in accordance with Nagauta of a faster tempo in the second half of the play.